Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 22 Program: 4th Annual Legislative Community Forum

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (note extra time this month only)

Miyama Main Hall, Harris United Methodist Church
Nuuanu Ave. and South Vineyard Blvd.

Ample parking - driveway off Nuuanu Ave.

11:30 Luncheon: Govinda Vegetarian Buffet, Brown Rice, and salad, Dessert by Eloise. $5.00 donation

11:45 Welcome, Introductions and Remarks, Larry Geller, President

12:00 4th Annual Legislative Community Forum: Round table discussion by key government administrators, legislators and community advocates. BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!

1:15 Vote for Kokua Council 2007 legislative Priorities
1:30 Adjourn



 Issues must be timely and compatible with our Mission Statement.
 There must be a lead advocate plus support capacity to pursue the issue.
 We should target no more than four issues at any legislative session, but should be flexible enough to consider critical issues emerging during the legislative session.
 We have identified and will utilize the following levels of legislative advocacy: serving as lead advocate for an issue, and mobilizing full support; support for an issue where others take the lead in championing that issue; endorsing an issue, by writing support letters or signing off on testimony. In addition, Kokua Council will provide members with information only about some issues, without taking formal positions on them.
 The process for selecting legislative issues will be as follows: members, as will churches and other organizations will be polled to identify issues of concern; the Legislative Committee will sort through issues proposed for formal action, and recommend a legislative agenda to the Board of Directors; the Board will make the final decisions on the legislative agenda.
 The Board of Directors recognizes that some legislative issues take years to achieve closure, and will consider these annually for possible supportive action.

Process and Timeline for Choosing Legislative Priorities

Board will prepare community forum and ballot to present to members.

Newsletter will print suggestions from speakers.

Board will categorize priorities according to levels of advocacy (see above) and assign lead advocate.

Members will choose level of activity to support priorities. Lead advocate will prepare talking points for use in preparing testimony, training, telephoning legislators, and letters to editor; lead advocate will assemble teams for support of issue. If there is enough interest, a training session will be scheduled to prepare people for visits to legislators, preparing testimony, and testifying.