Kokua Council Windward Thursday, October 12th Program: “Sustainability Ideas for Action”
Pohai Nani, Club Room, 2nd Floor,
45-090 Namoku Street, Kaneohe
11:30 (Optional) — Buffet Lunch in Dining Room, $11. Reservation and Information: Samuel Cox (808) 779-3606 or revsamuelcox@gmail.com .
12:30 Program: Duane Preble, Convener: “Sustainability Ideas for Action”
Extensive travel has given Duane and his wife, Sarah, global perspectives. Consequently, they consider themselves citizens of the world. They have long been advocates for local environmental planning and sustainability issues.
Both have served on boards of environmental organizations. Concern for the sustainability of Hawaii and our planet has led them to work to reduce their carbon footprint and lead by example.
Duane, together with Chuck “Doc” Burrows and others, are proposing a Sustainability Action Committee to be based here at Pohai Nani. He will share his ideas and is inviting you to share yours. Interested community members are welcome.
1:30 Adjourn