Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 28 Meeting: “Pharm and Falling: Fall Prevention and the Relationship with Medications”

PLEASE JOIN US FOR LUNCH Note date change – this month only: meeting is on Tuesday

Tuesday, March 28, 2017:
“Pharm and Falling: Fall Prevention and the Relationship with Medications”

11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Miyama Main Hall, Harris United Methodist Church
Nuuanu Ave. and S. Vineyard Blvd.−Ample parking−driveway off Nuuanu Ave


11:30 Luncheon (optional): Various Pizzas, Salad, and Dessert—$5.00 Donation

11:55 Welcome, Introductions and Remarks

12:00 Program: Patrick Uyemoto and Stan Michaels: “Pharm and Falling: Fall Prevention and the Relationship with Medications”

Patrick Uyemoto, Pharm.D. is the Clinical Pharmacy Manager at Times Supermarkets. Patrick manages
the Times Pharmacy Clinical Service division and the AADE accredited Times Diabetes Care Center

Stan Michaels, MFA is Senior Fall Prevention Coordinator and Public Health Educator in the DOHEmergency
Medical Services and Injury Prevention Systems Branch.

1:00 Adjourn