September 26 Program: Rep. Tom Brower, District 23, Waikiki, Ala Moana, Kakaako— “Sustaining the Gateway to Hawai`i, Present Problems, Future Vision;”
Monday, September 26, 2011
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Miyama Main Hall, Harris United Methodist Church
Nuuanu Ave. and South Vineyard Blvd.
11:30 Luncheon: Various Subway Sandwiches, Salad, and Dessert by Pat—$5.00 Donation
11:45 Welcome, Introductions and Remarks, Larry Geller, President
12:00 Program: Speaker, Rep. Tom Brower, District 23, Waikiki, Ala Moana, Kakaako—
“Sustaining the Gateway to Hawai`i, Present Problems, Future Vision;” Though our Waikiki neighbors represent less than 3% of the state's population, they live in the state's greatest economic resource, with nearly 85,000 daily visitors and 30,000 workers. Over 160,000 jobs are directly and indirectly affected by visitor expenditures.
12:20 Questions and Answers
1:00 Adjourn