11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Miyama Main Hall, Harris United Methodist Church
Nuuanu Ave. and South Vineyard Blvd.
Ample parking - driveway off Nuuanu Ave.
11:30 Luncheon: "Healthy Vegetarian, Salad. Desert by Eloise" $5.00 Donation
11:45 Welcome, Introductions and remarks, Larry Geller, President
11:50 Annual meeting, Election of officers, Treasurers Report
12:00 Program: Preparing for the 2008 Legislative Session – see insert
12:15 Senator Les Ihara: Joint legislative Committee on Family Caregiving/ Kupuna Caucus 2008 Legislative Priorities
Please join us for lunch
MONDAY, February 25, 2008
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Miyama Main Hall, Harris United Methodist Church
Nuuanu Ave. and South Vineyard Blvd.
Ample parking - driveway off Nuuanu Ave.
11:30 Luncheon: Various Pizzas, Salad, Dessert by Eloise" $5.00 Donation
11:45 Welcome, Introductions and remarks, Larry Geller, President
12:00 Program: Marilyn Seely: Using the Leahi hospital campus to develop a long-term care
master plan. What is the plan, how will it impact the delivery of LTC services.
Marilyn Seely is a former director of the Executive Office On Aging and represents
Kokua Council on the task force charged with developing the plan.