May 14 meeting: Rep. Josh Green on the 2007 Legislative Session

Kokua Council members and advocates from many different organizations turned out Monday, May 14 to hear Rep. Josh Green review the achievements of the 2007 legislative session -- and more.
For those who were unable to attend, you can hear Rep. Green's review and his replies to questions raised in this audio recording. Just click on the link above to begin playing.
Notes from the meeting--
As a physician, Rep. Green's focus is on statewide health issues: access to care, health insurance and suicide prevention. The bill providing Universal Healthcare Coverage for all of Hawaii's children (HB 1008) is landmark legislation, guaranteeing that Hawaii will become the first state in the nation to provide insurance for every child. Applications for care were simplified with many restrictions removed.
Green stated: "Finally, we have begun to make significant strides in improving our healthcare system by truly investing statewide. I fought for and won almost $80 million in new resources for hospitals, doctors, nurses and advanced medical training over the next two years especially in areas that are under serviced."
He is committed to making sure Hawaii's citizens have access to the care we need. As Health Chair in 2008, Green will continue to be a statewide leader on healthcare issues. He plans to pursue healthcare for everyone in the state with a goal of success by 2010. He expects the Legislature to be besieged by lobbyists fighting against the bill.
Many other important matters have also been addressed this year, such as affordable housing, regulating the health insurance industry, medical malpractice reform and investment in public education.