November 27 program: Kupuna Care program
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday, November 27, 2006
Miyama Main Hall, Harris United Methodist Church
Nuuanu Ave. and South Vineyard Blvd.
Ample parking - driveway off Nuuanu Ave.
11:30 Luncheon: Tofu Spinach Lasagna (Vegan); Chicken Devino, with mushroom & artichoke hearts, brown rice, salad, Dessert by Eloise. $5.00 donation
11:50 Program: Lot Lau, Elderly Affairs Division of City and County of Honolulu: “Kupuna Care,” One of the few programs that help with services for seniors above the poverty level.
Miyama Main Hall, Harris United Methodist Church
Nuuanu Ave. and South Vineyard Blvd.
Ample parking - driveway off Nuuanu Ave.
11:30 Luncheon: Tofu Spinach Lasagna (Vegan); Chicken Devino, with mushroom & artichoke hearts, brown rice, salad, Dessert by Eloise. $5.00 donation
11:50 Program: Lot Lau, Elderly Affairs Division of City and County of Honolulu: “Kupuna Care,” One of the few programs that help with services for seniors above the poverty level.